Thursday, February 22, 2007

Language of Love

J.C. speaks many languages. Timber our dog responds to his made up, make-believe , nonsense words. While I'm not quite sure what Whoozaama or Rrrrrrrooot means, Timber knows exactly what is expected when the words are uttered. When JC wants to interact with MoJo our bird it is done through his knowledge of music. While playing the bass J.C. can get Mojo to dance and squeak to the beat. I haven't quite figured out how he has managed to chat it up with my favorite caprines as of yet but I think he may secretly carry peanuts in his pockets. Either way the goats love him just as much as all the other creatures that live here at the FLYING GOAT RANCH. Even us human girlies cant help but love this man who speaks the language of LOVE.

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